Global Game Jam 2012 - Destiny of Fate

I have join with a team of year twos for 2012 Global Game Jam [3 days jam] thus our group name is 1+2^2.  Theme for that jam was OuroborosI was a year 1 and did scripting for this game and few drawings [fire/box/elevator]. Fixed some bugs since then [e.g. the over time condition]

Objective of the game is to find a girl before she died. The girl constantly growing old, and the player have to fight against time in finding her.

  • fire
  • push-able blocks can be used to block police and extinguish fire
  • police which will delay player thus increases the growth rate of the girl, time,
  • cone [each time the player plays it the cone might be there or might not]
  • players don't die they're revived but takes up time, it's more of a running out of time kind of play
  • hourglass that give player more time

Endings [Bad/Good]: 
  • guarding the grave of his love one feeling helpless/holding hands with his love ones [good]
  • dying of the girl as times runs out [bad]


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