Global Game Jam 2014 - Wolf Sheep Wolf 小色郎与小绵羊

This game preys on the dark side of a human nature. As the theme of this year's global game jam challenges us with "We don't see them as they are, We see them as we are.", my team made a game to raise distrust among player because of their own dark side. When a person is placed in a vulnerable condition, he/she perceive the worst that others will do to them. And commonly these actions which they are so afraid of are what they will do when they are given the power to do so. This perfectly brings up the theme of this year's global game jam. For more information of the game, please look at the attached document & and link to the tutorial video. 

Originally this game was Pedobear to better portray our concept  but due to the sensitivity of it we changed to current name.

GGJ webpage
Rule Book / Documentation

My Contribution:
  • Video Editing
  • Logo Design
  • Documentation
  • Ideation


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