Republic Polytechnic, FInal Year Project - Emotiheart


This is an 8bit abstraction of  Global Game Jam 2013 theme sound of heart beat. The game portrays a  metaphoric world of the emotions within a heart. The decision of using metaphoric world as an abstract is due to its rare use in current mobile market. 

Project Webpage:

Genre: Survival

My Contribution: 
  • documentation
    • sprint / product backlog
    • estimated budget sample
    • updating scrum board / editing scrum board
    • Game Design Document [90% done by me]
  • blog
    • the blog entry are updated regularly throughout the project by only me, showing the reflection made towards the projects and also our progress status
  • art
    • Emotiheart
      • play and pause button
      • game icon
      • party pooper, shredded paper effect
      • rule page
      • loading page
      • stoned balloon boy
      • explosion in collide with trash
      • trash floor
      • trash mountain
      • snowflake
      • balloon explosion
      • warning sign
      • tornado
      • rainbow clock 
      • smiling sun
      • balloon boy
      • score cloud
      • bad ending
    • Feel The Wave
      • feel the wave title screen
      • in game background
      • feel the wave start screen 
      • water
      • boat
      • good ending
      • angel
      • wave
      • heaven/hell blending
      • rainbow bullet
      • fin the devil seahorse
  • scripting
    • fixing some minor adjustments or bug
    • majority of the polish coding
    • initial digital prototype [Feel The Wave]
  • others
    • paper prototype
    • research
      • art theories
      • game idea relevant
    • team management
    • regular supervisor meet up / sample explanation / report on progress
    • teaching other member on photoshop and theories

Below are some of my art contribution to the project:
play button

pause button

Version 1 game icon - 100% done by me 
Version 2 modified by me with recommendation from kingston

party popper shredded paper  - 100% done by me

 rule page - 100% photoshop by me
100% photoshop by me - loading page

100% done by me stoned balloon boy

bump in into trash effect - 100% done by me

trash floor - 100% done by me

trash mountain, final version - 100% done by me

trash mountain with evil look - 100% done by me

snow flake

animation strip for balloon explosion - 100 % done by me

animation strip for warning - 100 % done by me

100% done by me - tornado

outline color and shading done by me [was given flat swirl rainbow from kingston] - rainbow UI

100% done by me

100% digitalize by me balloon boy - 1st version
digitally 100% done by me - final version

100% done by me

Feel The Wave Assets

100% drawn and color by me - showing the main character emo at a corner and her heart falling out

Fin, angel, cloud drawn by me [other part are fixed by me] - coloring is 100% done by me

drawn by me - blending the good at the top and bad at the bottom

100% done by me to show the main character who can't make up its mind


100% color by me 

100% done by me - zen and happy

100% done by me - angel

color and shade by me

100% done by me, hell and heaven blending

rainbow water projectile

animated and colored by me, line fixed by me


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