A Play, Or Not A Play, That's A Question.
Games and Play
Categories of Play
Crossing The Boundaries
Callios's Taxonomy of Play [reference]
AgÔn: competitive play
Alea: chance-based games
Mimicry: role-playing and make-believe
Ilinx: playing with physical sensation of vertigo [dizziness: a reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall]
Paida: wild, free-form, improvisational play
Ludus: rule-bound, regulated, formalized play
- Games are a subset of Play
- Games constitute a formalized part of everything we might consider to be play.
- Play is an element of Games
- Play is an essential component of games
Categories of Play
- Component of play:
- Being playful [or being in a play state of mind]
- Play is latent [hidden] in any human activity
- it's a matter of attitude
- Involves pushing against the structure and seeing what result you get
- Ludic Activity [informal play]
- more clearly differentiated as an activity
- you can usually state whether you're playing or not
- no goal or quantifiable [Express or measure the quantity of] outcome
- e.g peek-a-boo, dog chasing each other
- Game Play [formal play of games]
- The experience of a game set into motion through the participation of players
- player is free within the limits set by the rules
Crossing The Boundaries
- Easier to slip back and forth from play to non-play with ludic activities
- the boundaries aren't as well-defined, can became playful then serious smoothly
- games are highly defined by nature - with strict rules etc - that makes it harder to slip back and forth of game mode [magic circle - can be considered a shield of sorts, protecting the fantasy world from the outside world.]
Types Of Play (Sutton Smith) [reference, reference2]
- mind play
- e.g. daydreaming
- solitary [Done or existing alone] play
- e.g. as collection or handicraft
- social play
- e.g. joking around, dancing with someone
- performance play
- e.g. playing music, acting
- contest play
- e.g. board games, video games
- risky play
- e.g. hang gliding, extreme sports
Callios's Taxonomy of Play [reference]
Alea: chance-based games
Mimicry: role-playing and make-believe
Ilinx: playing with physical sensation of vertigo [dizziness: a reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall]
Paida: wild, free-form, improvisational play
Ludus: rule-bound, regulated, formalized play
Is Game Design, in itself, a form of “Play”?
Justify how Game Design is or is not a form of play.
Verb: |
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Noun: |
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Synonyms: |
verb. perform - act - toy
noun. game - performance - drama - sport
Game Design [reference]
- designing the content and rules of a game
- design of gameplay, environment, storyline, and characters during production stage
- Game design requires artistic and technical competence as well as writing skills
A Play, Or Not A Play
- a consideration of play rather than core of play itself
- Game Design, as itself is a none-play and play
- doing concept prototyping can be a major play part of game design as you make you tend to play with the the features and see if it seems legit
- Play is a very subjective topic, whether Game Design is perceived or considered as play actually depends on the person itself. For example, a Game Designer for the sake of designing then it’s not a play rather working but if the designer is so engross and having fun playing with the prototype and making the small little stuff in it etc. then it is a play
- a play only exist when the person is enjoying the moment the activity which he or she is currently doing
- a play that is structured and goal-oriented
- Another example, doing GDD [Game Design Document] can be rather dry and not much of a play but if you were to highlight the keys words or all tittles in rainbow [just like how I did it for my this post]
- it is a self proclaim challenge/goal without purpose, proper reward or rules, it's just for the sake of fun yet without breaking the initial purpose of writing the document [Ludic Activity - informal kind of play]
- because of it being self proclaim, I can stop any time I want, thus this kind of play shall fall back and forth between play and none play
- a Paida yet Ludus kind of play
- Paida because I can improvise how the document looks but Ludus because I must stick to what content must be within the document and playing without spoiling the document [off color contrast which people can't read anymore or the colors are over done until making too loud - as well as not spending too much time on it as GDD usually have dead line]
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